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You may travel to Ždiar by car or bus from the East (Poprad / Kežmarok) direction or the West (Podspády / Lysá Poľana / Zakopane / Poland). If arriving by bus from the Poprad/High Tatras direction, the nearest bus stop is the third in the village (Galéria). This is on the main road (67) at the first shop in the village, some 50m past the road leading up to Antošovský Vrch. This is also where we usually meet our visitors who are coming by car, as the route up to the house can be a little confusing the first time. Zrub Zuzana (house number 43) is 1.2km from the junction on the main road, and can be done in 15-20mins if walking. Parking is either at the house, although in winter and in bad weather we recommend parking 200m below the house next to our neighbours' house.

The nearest mainline train station is in Poprad, which has regular services from Bratislava, Kosice and even further afield such as overnight sleeper services from Prague. The bus station is right next door. Train and bus timetables are available here: Slovak public transport.

Poprad - Tatry airport is 5km west of Poprad city centre and is served by Wizz Air from Luton.

Or fly Ryanair to Bratislava (about 4hrs away by car). Easyjet operate to Krakow, only 130kms away, about 1 1/2 to 2 hrs in good weather. Car hire is recommended, and we can arrange pickup of the car in Poprad.

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