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Autumn 2016

Zrub Zuzana will be our home from 2nd October 2016!!

March 2011

News of the moment is that we finally have a comprehensive heating control system in operation. Those of you who have visited us will know that the heating was not easily controlled, with some areas being too hot at times and others being too cold. The new system not only allows the heating to be focussed on those areas requiring heat at the time, it includes 'weather compensation' which basically means it takes into account the temperature outside the house and learns when to apply heat so that the temperature reaches that set at the start of each scheduled period. Basically this should mean that when it's -16 outside the heating comes on earlier in the night so that the house is warm for the morning. It also allows us to easily turn the heating down for those periods when the house is not occupied. This is important as it cuts down on wasteful use of energy, which is not only good for the planet, but helps us to keep our prices down.


We're starting to see the impact of 2010's commissioning of the solar roof panels. In the bright sunshine of the last couple of weeks, the panels were reaching 47C, with the air temperature at -7! But more surprising is how little sunshine is needed to get useable heat; even overcast days with snow flurries have seen temperatures over 35C. Last week we installed better insulation on the pipework and that should mean more useable heat getting to the heat store.

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